“Now one of Saul’s servants was there that day, detained before the Lord; he was Doeg the Edomite, Saul’s chief shepherd. 8 David asked Ahimelek, “Don’t you have a spear or a sword here? I haven’t brought my sword or any other weapon, because the king’s mission was urgent.” 9 The priest replied, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the Valley of Elah, is here; it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you want it, take it; there is no sword here but that one.” David said, “There is none like it; give it to me.” ! Samuel 21.8-9
If you had to have one weapon, why not trust an old friend? Jedis use their lightsabers, John Wayne his rifle, Thor his hammer. And now David—the sword of Goliath. I cannot imagine how fierce and powerful it would be when placed in the right hands.
Remember that David used the sword only once—to lop off the head of the giant. When facing the giant, he needed only a few stones and a sling. But now he is in a moment of need, coming to the priest Ahimelek without food or weapon. The food is given to him from the Bread of the Presence, the holy bread of the Lord. And now the weapon is returned to him from a time when God gave him strength. If there is any question that God is with David, just look at the signs of the bread and the sword.
When Ahimelek tells David about the only weapon on hand—and it happens to be Goliath’s former sword—David says, “There is none like it; give it to me.” David knew the sword would be a superb weapon to help him survive the next days and weeks while he was in exile from Saul.
We, too, have been given the Lord’s provision—and a sword at that! Ephesians 6:17 tells us about the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” As Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.” This is made available to all believers—all of us who are in exile in a fallen world, waiting to return to our heavenly and eternal home. We who are living in this world need a weapon, just as David did, and God provides for us all.
The Word of God is a spiritual sword that protects, purges, enlightens, and redeems. The sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, is powerful and effective. It is alive, and it has been placed not only in our hands but in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.
Just as David was provided for in the wilderness, so we are also given provision in the wilderness of our lives. His Word, the Bible, is available to read, to digest, and to guide us as we hear God’s voice and feel His presence in its words.
So do not delay! Open the Word, read and believe, digest and dive into His promises. The same promises He made to David, He makes to us—He is with us, He is near, He will not leave us, and He loves each of us more than you could even imagine.
“O Lord God, Your Word is alive. It is not some simple book of inspirational quotes but is life to me. Come now, Holy Spirit, as I read Your Word, let it reach deeply into my heart. Help me be the person You have called me to be so the world might know the hope of Christ. I love You, Lord, and praise Your name. For You are good, and Your love endures forever.” Amen.