The Story of Samuel | The Reminder | 1 Samuel 10.17-19 |

by | Oct 15, 2024

“Samuel summoned the people of Israel to the Lord at Mizpah 18 and said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I brought Israel up out of Egypt, and I delivered you from the power of Egypt and all the kingdoms that oppressed you.’ 19 But you have now rejected your God, who saves you out of all your disasters and calamities. And you have said, ‘No, appoint a king over us.’ So now present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes and clans.” 1 Samuel 10.17-19

“I did this,” says the Lord, “and I did that.” And still, you have rejected me. The Lord is reminding the people of what He has done.

It was no small feat! He brought Israel out of Egypt, leading millions of Hebrew slaves across the Red Sea with Moses. In addition, He delivered them from the power of Egypt and the influence of all the surrounding kingdoms. God has done a great work. He has not been a bad king; His resume speaks for itself!

However, the people have little faith and short memories. They do not remember God’s faithfulness to them. Generations come and go, and they forget. They do not recall His mighty works and the great deeds through which He has led them for years upon years.

But now they have rejected God as the king “who saved you out of disasters and calamities.” So now, God will give them a king. Samuel began this process by gathering all the tribes of Israel in the town of Mizpah in the Shephelah of Judah, where he would reveal their new king.

Imagine how frustrated the Lord and His prophet/priest Samuel must be. God did for them what they needed, and now they were rejecting a perfect God and turning to a weak, sinful human to lead them.

Isn’t this just like the people of Israel—and us—in how we reject the Lord? Even when He reminds us, we tend to forget. Our flesh is weak, and so we sin again and again. We fail to be obedient, and God gives us what we want. Yet in the end, it is never as good as what God had designed for us.

This week in Colorado is the Revive Men’s Retreat. I wrote about this some yesterday and will do so again. I was worried all day yesterday about what I would do during our response time for worship and forgot that, in the moment, God speaks. He has a plan and always comes through. It has never been up to me; it is always Him! And of course, God showed up in tremendous ways, revealing to me the direction He wanted us to take—none too early, I might add, but so beautifully.

We are not unlike the Israelites who forget God’s faithfulness. What He has promised to do, He will do. We do not have to beg and plead for His saving grace; it is offered to us readily each and every day. Not unlike the Hebrew people, we too have been delivered from exile and into the land He has promised.

So today, let us walk in faith, trusting in His word and seeking His will over our own. In this, and in all things, God will be present as He helps us remember His faithfulness.

“O Lord God, each time You show up, I am so blessed. I know You are the Lord, Savior, and King! I know You never fail to save and redeem Your people. Show up again! Have Your way with us. Even in the midst of this retreat, show us Your glory. I love You, Lord, and praise Your name. For You are good, and Your love endures forever.” Amen.