The Story of Samuel | The Comparison | 1 Samuel 16.13 |

by | Dec 28, 2024

“So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.” 1 Samuel 16.13

When it’s Christmas time, it’s easy to view everything in the light of Advent. Even though Christmas Day has come and gone, and we are now three days past the acknowledged birth of Jesus, we continue to celebrate, praise, and rejoice. In the church calendar, Christmastide is a twelve-day celebration that continues until January 5th.

As I reflect on the story of Samuel and pause on David’s anointing, I find many comparisons between the newly anointed King David and Jesus. Both came from Bethlehem, both were from the same Jewish tribe, both were anointed, both began their rule or ministry at the age of 30, and both were considered insignificant and unworthy to govern. And both, as mentioned in verse 13, were filled with the Spirit of the Lord. (For a longer list, check out this interesting article.)

Although David was not a sinless man and made some grave mistakes later in life, he was a man after God’s own heart, and the Lord loved him (2 Samuel 12:24). We also know that God loved Jesus, His own Son, whom He gave to redeem the sins of the world. This is why we celebrate, why we have Christmas — so we might unwrap the gift of Jesus and never be without hope again.

I don’t know what your Christmas has been like. Was it happy or sad? A celebration or a catastrophe? A monument to a healthy family or a challenging exercise in just getting by? God can redeem it all. Just as He selected the last and youngest son among eight and came to earth as a babe, so God can enter your heart and bring you goodness and grace.

So, as the Christmas celebrations come to an end and we look toward a new year, let us place our faith in Christ. Let us find our lost selves connecting to Him and being filled with His Spirit and love.

“O Lord God, You are good and faithful. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for a time of rest and respite. Thank You for allowing me to know You, to run from evil, and to walk in the light of Your Son Jesus. Come now, Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power and purpose, and help me be all You have called and created me to be. For You are good, and Your love endures forever.” Amen