Gospel of Mark | Suffering | Mark 8.31-32 | movementministriesblog.com

by | Feb 27, 2024

“He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. 32 He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.” Mark 8.31-32

What must have it been like for Jesus to talk about his own death and demise? Can you even image? He’s openly and plainly talking about how he will suffer, be rejected by the Jews and finally killed, rising from the grace three days later.

It must have been a horrific burden to bear. The pain and suffering that Christ would endure — if you’ve seen the Passion of the Christ movie then you know it all too well. The grief that he would endure and that his followers would suffer at the loss of his life. Here was Jesus, young and alive, discussing his death and his rejection by those who all thought would support him the most.

Today I am writing out of a place of pain as my daughter lost her dog Finnley yesterday to a sudden illness. This was a two year old red English lab she raised from a pup and went with her everywhere. If it was not with her, then Finn was with me. This dog became a part of our Freeman “pack.” Today is a sad day for us and especially for my daughter. Those of you who have lost a pet know the pain of the loss and the grief that goes with it. And whereas this doesn’t compare to the loss of a human, or Jesus’ own suffering, it does allow me to speak out of a place of hurt and pain today. In light of what Jesus endured on the cross, I feel a bit of that loss now because of what my daughter is going through.

For Jesus and for us, God’s love is always present. He is not far from the brokenhearted. Just as Jesus leaned in to the strength of the Father when he was facing persecution and death, so can we when facing hardships and loss. The God of compassion has given us his Spirit as a comforter. And right now, in my household, we need that comfort.

So this day, I am thankful that we are not alone, that God is with us just as he was with Jesus as he faced his trials and tribulations that would ultimately end in the resurrection and hope for everyone.

“O Lord God, I love you and praise you. Come now, Holy Spirit, fill the emptiness when we face loss and disappointment. Be closer to us than a brother. Help us know the truth of your Word and the presence of your Spirit. Send your angels Lord, time and time again, so we might know you are near. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen