“Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.24 Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.” Ephesians 6.23-24
Paul concludes his letter to the church in Ephesus with these words: “Peace to the brothers and sisters….love with faith from God, grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Peace, love and grace. Not a bad way to wrap up a letter to a new church of believers seeking to live in fellowship with God and one another.
Paul offers first peace to the brothers and sisters — that they might live in union with Christ and one another. He offers love combined with faith which comes from God who is the Father and Jesus who is Lord and Christ. And he send grace to everyone in the church who have joined him in loving Jesus with an undying love.
This is a farewell from a minister of the gospel who has shepherded well the church in Ephesus. He leaves them with three final thoughts — peace, love and grace.
These are three qualities I strive for in my own life. Three qualities I want to be about. I want peace in all that I do, in relationships, in my ministry career, in all things. And who doesn’t want to be surrounded by the love of God?! And lastly, grace — Lord, I need it! Grace in my experience is something for which I strive.
Pauls words apply not only to the church in first century Christendom but also in twenty-first century America. These three qualities are from God and come only from God. They can be experienced by each of us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Which means that here and now, in my context, they are attainable for me and you.
Will you pray with me for peace, grace and love to lay like a blanket upon our lives? That all we would do would be filled with the peace, grace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ?
For his glory and by his grace.
“O Lord God, you are good. Even in the midst of the busyness , even when I have too much on my plate, even when I fail in my disciplines with you — you care for me. Your peace is present now. Your grace is near. You love is accessible. Come now, Holy Spirit, pour upon me your power. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen