“Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill David. But Jonathan had taken a great liking to David 2 and warned him, “My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you. Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there. 3 I will go out and stand with my father in the field where you are. I’ll speak to him about you and will tell you what I find out.” 4 Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, “Let not the king do wrong to his servant David; he has not wronged you, and what he has done has benefited you greatly. 5 He took his life in his hands when he killed the Philistine. The Lord won a great victory for all Israel, and you saw it and were glad. Why then would you do wrong to an innocent man like David by killing him for no reason?” 6 Saul listened to Jonathan and took this oath: “As surely as the Lord lives, David will not be put to death.” 7 So Jonathan called David and told him the whole conversation. He brought him to Saul, and David was with Saul as before.” 1 Samuel 19.1-7
Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for another.” Jonathan was that kind of friend to David. He was the kind of friend who would do anything for you—the kind of friend who would even give up his life on your behalf.
The saga of David, Saul, and Jonathan continues. At this point, Jonathan is trying to convince Saul not to harm David. He reminds Saul of all that David has done for Israel and for the king in battle. Defeating the Philistine giant, Goliath, was just one of David’s many heroic acts that benefited the nation. For a time, Saul concedes and welcomes David back into his fellowship and court. However, if you are familiar with this story, you know this peace does not last for long!
For now, though, all is peaceful. David, Saul, and Jonathan are getting along and working together, thanks to the peacemaking efforts of Jonathan.
There are times of peace and times of conflict. Sometimes people will find favor with you, just as Saul did with David. Other times, people may allow evil to influence them, as happened to Saul later in this passage when an evil spirit came upon him and changed his heart.
Our prayer should always be for peace and to remain in the will of God. By staying faithful to the Lord, we can maintain our friendship with God, cultivate strong relationships with others, and be at peace with ourselves. As we learn from the story of David and Jonathan, a faithful friend is a treasure beyond measure.
What condition are your friendships in? How are you managing your time and prioritizing others over your own wants and needs? Lean into the friendships that truly matter, and allow Christ to shine through you. As you are blessed, be a blessing to others.
“O Lord God, you are a friend to all who call upon your name. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us. Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to know you better and to find friendship through you. Come now, Holy Spirit, and fill me with your power and love. Help me be the person that you have called me to be. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen