The Story of Samuel | The Benjamite | 1 Samuel 9.1-2 |

by | Oct 2, 2024

“There was a Benjamite, a man of standing, whose name was Kish son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bekorath, the son of Aphiah of Benjamin. Kish had a son named Saul, as handsome a young man as could be found anywhere in Israel, and he was a head taller than anyone else.” 1 Samuel 9.1-2

Now, I am not a tall person. I’m average height—5’9” on a good day! And it’s never bothered me. No one in my immediate family is either much taller or much shorter than me. But if you grew up in the U.S., you know that height matters and is valued, especially in sports like basketball. People who are tall—though not too tall—are often revered or looked up to (pun intended) in many ways. This often means they are selected for leadership or positions of influence over their shorter peers.

Things haven’t changed much since Saul, the Benjamite, was selected to serve as the first king of Israel. The Bible describes him as not only a head taller than anyone else but also a very handsome young man—among the most handsome in Israel. Think Brad Pitt meets Ryan Reynolds (or so my wife tells me!). This guy was tall and very good-looking. I mean, why wouldn’t these two qualities make a great king? The selection of a king based on outward appearance, rather than godly qualities, is not lost on Scripture.

We know a king wasn’t going to solve the issues of the Hebrew people. God made that clear through Solomon. But the people insisted, and so, to complete the ruse that a king would save them, God and Samuel selected the best-looking guy around. When they looked at Saul, they believed their problems had been solved and that this man would lead them to freedom, redemption, and salvation.

Isn’t it just like humans to place value on what we see rather than what we know to be true? Certainly, there can be awesome tall, handsome leaders, but that’s not what makes a great man or woman. As we will find out during the selection of King David, “Humans look at the outward appearance, but God sees the heart.” It’s the heart that matters, which will be revealed over time, even during Saul’s reign.

The overall problem is that the people are placing their faith in this Benjamite—a leader from the tribe of Benjamin—rather than in the Lord. That’s the issue, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter who we want our savior to be—Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush. None of these can save us. Sure, they might temporarily make our lives a little better, but Jesus is the answer to all our problems and issues.

So, please, do not get caught up in the hype of human saviors or political figures winning their way into your hearts. Do not ask God for an earthly king when you already have a heavenly one who is able to do abundantly more than you could ask or imagine.

“O Lord God, you are my King. Jesus, you reign upon your throne and in my heart. Come now, Holy Spirit, and fill me with your power and love. Help me to know that my hope is in you, and I place my life in your hands. I love you, Lord, and I praise your name. For you are good, and your love endures forever.” Amen