The Story of Samuel | The Power | 1 Samuel 5.6-8 |

by | Sep 7, 2024

“The Lord’s hand was heavy on the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation on them and afflicted them with tumors.[a] When the people of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, “The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us, because his hand is heavy on us and on Dagon our god.” So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, “What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?” They answered, “Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath.” So they moved the ark of the God of Israel.” 1 Samuel 5.6-8

There is a reason I don’t work in a nuclear reactor. First, I have no training for it. Second, who would want to? Third, its power is too great for me to control.

Handling the ark of the Lord is kind of like working in a nuclear reactor. Anyone who saw the first Raiders of the Lost Ark remembers the incredible harm and destruction the ark brought upon the Nazis when they mishandled this ancient artifact. (Did they not read the story of the people of Ashdod?)

In today’s text, we see that the Philistines have the ark of the Lord, and it’s not providing the favor they expected. In truth, it’s bringing much harm—devastation, afflictions, and tumors, just to name a few. So, they decide to handle the “nuclear reactor” ark of God with impunity and disrespect. Yahweh is not their god; Dagon is their god. Therefore, they moved the ark to another coastal city named Gath, one of five along the Philistine coastal plains.

Yet, as we will soon read, this also did not have the effect they desired.

The Philistines were in over their heads in trying to deal with, contain, or control the power of God. His presence was in the box, and they had never dealt with anything so powerful. Dagon never did a thing, but Yahweh was Power! Their lack of knowledge and faith in the Lord led to many disastrous outcomes.

Too often, we move God around as if He’s under our control and still living in a box. This is foolish and frightful. We do not respect God, His commands, or the covenant He has made with His people. We think we can call upon Him when we need something and have Him do what we want, but all along, the power of the Universe is held in His hands. He who spoke the world into motion cannot be controlled or contained.

So, what is our response? Worship Him. Pray to Him. Love and serve Him. Listen to Him, seek His guidance, honor His Word, and follow His Spirit. We are not His equals but His servants. Imagine a mouse telling an elephant what to do. We must approach God’s throne of grace with awe and, yes, some fear, but also with confidence that we are His children.

The power to give life, destroy whole nations, move entire continents, and create whole worlds is contained within the God who once represented His presence by placing a part of Himself in a box—the ark. Now, God puts His Spirit inside our bodies of flesh, another sort of box, in which to guard and guide our steps.

“O Lord God, You are able and just. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for the power of Your Word and the movement of Your Spirit. Come now, Holy Father, direct our steps. We love You and serve You. Show us the way to go and help us walk in it. For You are good, and Your love endures forever.” Amen