Gospel of Mark | Jesus Speaks | Mark 15.2-5 | movementministriesblog.com

by | Jul 9, 2024

“Are you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate. “You have said so,” Jesus replied. The chief priests accused him of many things. So again Pilate asked him, “Aren’t you going to answer? See how many things they are accusing you of.” But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.” Mark 15.2-5

What king gives an account to his subjects? In a kingdom, the king answers to no one. Jesus is the King. He is above all. He was with God in the beginning as the Word, and now is in the flesh as God’s Messiah and Servant. Jesus is King, Ruler, and Lord. So when Pilate asked Jesus to answer, he felt no need to reply because Jesus is the King.

The Jews were accusing Jesus of many things, as Pilate even noted. But like a lamb led to the slaughter, Jesus said nothing. When asked if he was the king, Jesus gave a vague, non-descript answer, “You have said so.” He could have said, “Heck yes, I am the King and you are going to pay!” But Jesus owed Pilate nothing. He owes us nothing and no explanation for who He is. “But aren’t you going to answer?” Pilate asked Jesus. Yet, He made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.

Even if Jesus had stooped to His accusers’ level and given them the answers they wanted, they would not have stopped. They would have used this against Him, mocked Him all the same, and beaten Him even more. So Jesus allowed His actions to speak for Him. He would endure the shame, climb up on the cross, and defeat death and evil once and for all. He would be the suffering servant, the courageous King who counts everything a loss to serving God.

Last night at youth camp, we met with this King Jesus, and He was not silent. He was saving souls, redeeming lives, and loving His children. As students bowed down to Him in worship, Jesus responded. He responded to their need, their love, and their need for redemption. Since He rose from the grave, He has not remained silent. He is a King who speaks to all who seek Him and all who need Him.

I prayed with a boy named Dillon last night after worship. He came up to me saying, “I felt Jesus in my life.” He then recommitted his life to Christ and left with a smile on his face and joy on his countenance. These are the people to whom Jesus speaks. He will speak to you also. Won’t you come to Him in prayer and praise? You will hear His voice.

“O Lord God, I’m at youth camp, it’s what I do. For twenty-five years, you have had me actively leading camps for students. So many have heard you speak! So many have found you willing and able to save them. Thank you for speaking again. Thank you for being our defender, our shield, and our portion. Come now, Holy Spirit, renew our hearts for you. Help us listen to your voice and walk in the way that leads to everlasting life. For you are good and your love endures forever.” Amen.